Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two Worlds Combined

I've been on the look out for fabric that is tasteful and has bikes combined.  I found this Michael Miller's Cruise Control Line and just thought it would be perfect for my first bike quilt that I've been dreaming of making.  I haven't found the perfect pattern yet, but I have no doubt I will find one eventually.


  1. i like these prints! can't wait to see what you want to make from them.

  2. GORGEOUS material, Chris! Love it! I cannot wait to see what you do with your quilting this year. :-) Hey, did you know my Dad and Stepmom have one of those ginormous quilting machines??? So if you're ever in the need . . . they live in Clinton. I'm loving your blog and hoping you post even more than just biking and quilting adventures -- I haven't talked to you in forever, and it's always good to hear what you're up to! :-) Love ya!
    ~April Catlett
