Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nashville with Stephanie!

Girl Road Trip!  My friend Stephanie & I met in 2006 and took a trip to Baja Mexico with a group of people.  We have been road tripping ever since.  Our travels have taken us to Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri Ozarks and our latest trip to Nashville, TN.  Little did we know that we planned last weekend it was also the CMA festival of Fanfare in Downtown.  Streets were blocked off and people from all over crowded the streets.

We decided to camp, which is our normal mode of lodging.  We stayed 2 nights at Montgomery Bell State Park which is 40 minutes outside of Nashville.  This campground was mostly chosen on the fact that there are Mountain Bike Trails.  And we checked those out Friday when we got there. 

Our first stop on our whirlwind day in Nashville started at Crema for coffee and quiche http://www.crema-coffee.com/, Then we went and took a tour of the Ryman Auditorium http://www.ryman.com/,

Nashville Public Library (Yes, we both like visiting libraries), http://www.library.nashville.org/, Las Paletas for gourmet Popsicles.  I had the chocolate with mint chips & for my second, a pistachio.  Stephanie got the Rose Petal & then the Blueberry Lime.  Very delicious, 

We ventured over to the 12 South Taproom for a beer, http://12southtaproom.com/ ,
Went to a place that makes custom jeans tailored specifically for you right there in the store. http://www.imogeneandwillie.com/, Dinner at Silly Goose, http://sillygoosenashville.com/ , ice cream (yes, I'm aware that we at 2 popsicles each early in the day) http://www.jenis.com/.  I got the black coffee ice cream...oh so good!  Then we walked around another neighborhood which I forgot the name of then drove back to camp. 

Over all awesome weekend!  We packed our itinerary but never felt rushed.  Stephanie is a super awesome travel buddy!!

Next trip maybe Minneapolis. MN or LaFayette, IN.  We will see!

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