Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Herbs and more

My chamomile has taken over most of my herb garden, but I just love making tea and I think I should have enough to last all winter especially if I give up coffee for Lent again.  Chamomile tea is just so soothing and delicious to have before bedtime.  I can't count how many harvests I've had already but it grows like a weed and comes back every year.  I was using my food dehydrator non-stop during the chamomile harvest and it works great!  Thanks to my lovely librarian friends who gifted it to us for our wedding.

Rhubarb was plentiful this year too.  I have over 4 gallon freezer bags full of chopped rhubarb which awaits the day I will make jam or more delicious dump cake.  My nieces helped pick and wash some rhubarb too!  My picky eater niece even had some rhubarb dump cake!  I think if I make a big deal about eating it and include her on the harvest of the food, she's more interested in trying it.

 This is the husband.  He's happiest when he's playing in the dirt.  In the picture below, he is weeding the beans, which some are now growing taller than the pictured fence.

Raspberries are slowly turning ripe but there aren't quite enough of them yet to last more than a few hours in the house before we eat them all.  We really need to make some vanilla ice cream to go with them! That would be heavenly!

Basil:  I have six basil plants this year and I just had my first harvest last night and it filled the sink.  I kept waiting to have enough time to harvest & make pesto that I was getting alittle nervous thinking the Japanese Beatles would get to them first.  Thankfully, they hadn't gotten to them yet.  I expect them to arrive before the next harvest.  We made up a double batch of Pesto and they are in the freezer now setting up in the ice cube trays for easier freezer storage and use later.  When I don't know what's for supper, I just grab a few cubes, heat them up, make pasta and Bam! Dinner's done.  Love cooking that way.  Mike just loves the Pesto Fresh from the blender!.

Saturday's Backyard Sunset!

 Iris Mystery Unraveled this Spring.  My iris' finally bloomed after I transplanted them last year not quite knowing what color they would be.  I love the dark purple!  They are done blooming and we will see what comes up next year, other than more since they multiple like crazy.